Last time I checked Jesus wasn’t an advocate of infidelity?
Warning: The following contains curse words, unadulterated opinions, and direct insults to the majority of the male species. So if you will be offended by any of the above, I recommend you stop reading now.
It is snowing outside this window and the traffic passes slowly. Two men are bantering about the presidential primaries. Their vernacular doesn’t suck, they have a general understanding of top issues, but it’s disconcerting how they sound like forty-something puppets, narrating what TV editorialists said on television last night. One of them is rambling about Newt Gingrich and his amazing qualifications for presidency. I agree, the resume reads well, the problem is that it is rotting with narcissism, rampant infidelity and oh right, hypocritical faith-based excuses.
I felt the need to inject my opinion, “Excuse me… just thought I’d let you know that he had an affair with two of his former wives. “ The guy responds, “That stuff is in the past, he is the only candidate who can beat Obama.”
My response, “Dude, it’s January and skeletons are climbing out of Newt’s closet in full force. I can’t fathom how much money is thrown to dangerous mouths… and eventually the blackmail cash will run out and the really fishy, creepy secrets will be exposed and I guarantee, Republicans won’t stand a chance. A man capable of that is capable of more. Oh and, his third wife? The aerosol from her bleached helmet is probably a health hazard. Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt you guys.” I smiled sweetly and put back on my headphones.
They sat pensively. Are Americans, the literate, innovative country that all other countries aspire to be no longer capable of thinking about moral? Are we so decisive that professional and personal ethics share no common ground at all? So I put my school assignment away for a minute to begin this tirade, this questionnaire to anyone who can offer a solution? We operate in this beautiful, territorial, glorified commercialized bubble, where our international sparkle comes from celebrities and how entertained other countries are by our politician circus acts. There are lions, tigers and bears, and Newt Gingrich. It appears that those who are the people who should run this country, take a stake in our future, are smart enough not to involve themselves in such shenanigans.
Writing is comprised of several elements. Unless you’re disseminating information and reconfiguring it for an essay, anything worth reading generally requires emotion, perspective and a taste of the raw truth. So here we go.
For the last year I’ve devoured the “spiritual” and “learning to live happily” section of Barnes & Noble, I’m madly smitten and post-magazine have returned to a life of academic normalcy. I was recently treated at Mayo Clinic, and experienced a litany of other life-altering experiences, all of which challenged me to be grateful for my blessed life. I’m an official Jesus-lover. However, I’m scribing this quasi-negative diatribe not as a whimpering citizen, but rather as a self-respecting female who is desperate to encourage women to rethink their votes, their men and our consumption of culture. My goal is to indict the idiocies of Newt Gingrich. (Let me mention a few more: Clinton, Kennedy, Eliot, Edwards, McCain, Hart, Roosevelt, Schwarzenegger, Trump, Woods, oh the list goes on and on.)
Who does this man think he is? Well, a typical, American-prescribed presidential candidate/celebrity/athlete. He makes Mormon, ethical, financer Romney look like a virgin, assaulting Romney’s “so-so” leadership with voracious grin, entertained by his own insults. However, has Romney snubbed Gingrich’s pious extra-marital affairs, No. Why? He isn’t a douche bag. Gingrich cheated on his first wife, who was enduring chemotherapy, and the second with whom he requested an open relationship. Nice. And sure, he whimpered a half-ass apology to his evangelical continuants, but come on? The Lord is forgiving, he promises us forgiveness, and while it isn’t the right of democrats, Christians, or Americans to judge Newt on his betrayal, the big guy can take on that way… Newt hasn’t hit the golden gates’ verdict, so in the meantime, might it be prudent to say sorry to the ex-wives, the children, and the public who were indirectly screwed as a byproduct of his screwing?
Newt Gingrich is eating caucuses alive and the crowds of South Carolina and Iowa slurp down his saccharine, grotesque speeches like ice cream. So these populations, who in great masses pontificate their evangelical morals to the rest of the sinning world, I have to scream from the Rocky Mountaintops, “hypocrites”. Last time I checked Jesus was not an advocate of infidelity. As a Christian, as a most-of-the-time Republican, I urge you, I beg you to not vote for the lesser of two evils, but eradicate evil all together.
Give me a single reason why we are supposed to respect the international diplomacy of a man who doesn’t have enough respect for his children and his wife to keep his pants zipped. Apologies for my blunt and rather curse descriptions of the realities haunting our country, but maybe for the first time in the history of the world, we as American women (who make up 51% of people) can put a stop to the disturbing, growing epidemic. I get that testosterone = smarts, or whatever biological excuse there is, but what happened to sheer maturity and self-discipline?
There has been the long-held adage “boys will be boys,” and forgive me for my feministic tendencies, but check your watch: Women in the media, women at home, WOMEN EVERYWHERE please start treating the genre of cheating men as what they are, little boys incapable of keeping a simple vow, “thou shall not cheat”? And I get it, this isn’t a new trend, for centuries women have dealt with men, submissively forgiven, or ignored adulterous affairs. These men, some politicians, others business tycoons, or popular athletes, are stripping women of years of life, women sacrifice earning power, hours and hours of their twenties and thirties and forties nurturing healthy, happy children; children only to be tarnished by the gaffe of their daddies. Talk about a ROI.
Most say that cheating was worse in the 1950s. This is not a fallacy; mistresses have been rampant since BC. The difference is that these affairs weren’t plastered on the front of magazines, web pages, and dominating dinner talk, where children are present and incredibly vulnerable. Sure, Marilyn Monroe and playboy had their place in society, but strip clubs have grown by the dozens, movies revel in topless scenes, and pornography can be located on my cell phone. WAKE UP AMERICA: women are choosing to spend more in breast augmentation than health insurance. Women, both teens to fifties suffer from more eating disorders than ever-in history. In 2010 nearly a third of all babies were born to single moms. Even if men were hiding mistresses in hotel rooms, mistresses now come out with fake body parts and embrace the role of wife, round two! I’m not stating opinions; these are facts. Decide what you want to make of this reality, but how fair is it to toddlers to witness their fathers cheat on Mommy with a bunch of prostitutes. However, this has become the new norm.
My solution: If all smart, self-respecting women could stand up to the inappropriate power-riddled men and leave them, pack their bags and kiss the past goodbye, it could help generations of women to come, and then maybe men would have a reality check. And if the male species were abandoned by smart chicks and stuck with dumb chicks who relish being treated like doormats, and walk around on stilettos excited to be physical objects, maybe they'll think twice. It confuses me how women who marry cheating men don't understand wearing that ring might as well be a hand grenade tied to their futures. A note to the women who pride themselves on being the third wife; your new man will probably die in thirty years and then you’ll passed up the opportunity to have a family, albeit step-kids. Sorry to shirk the courtesies, I don’t care enough to acknowledge women who cheat children out of families. IF we can do this as a gender, then maybe we, as a nation who prides ourselves on equality, on rights, on gauging a women’s worth far more than the functionality of her ovaries, can have a revolution. The Old Testament, Afghanistan has polygamy, with the number of affairs men have these days, America might as well be knocking on that disgusting door.
Women have been burning bras, fighting against dozens of men in the workplace; we’ve battled for voting rights, for the right to open our own checking accounts. Etc. And just to add to the icky paradigm are the recent books upon books written about generation X men, the MBA guys who are sprinting from the word matrimony; they still have one foot in fraternity-life and the other is exploiting bachelorhood. They figure they’ll settle down with a woman ten years younger, in ten or so years. SO we have a bunch of awesome women now stuck with population of thirty-something little boys, and childbearing years might as well be a ticking time bomb. Why? Women surrender so much for our children, for our children’s children, so where is the fight for HONEST relationships? Why have we allowed, hell, endorsed strip clubs, pornography, open marriages, and leaders with proof of extramarital affairs? Where does it start and how does it end. How can we restore the hope that our children can one day experience a respectable marriage, when people like Newt Gingrich can run for office?