Facebook is like the Ben & Jerry’s you hide in the fridge. You’ve been good all day long; you pretend to ignore the temptation, the deep desire to log on, to check in – to post a silly inside joke on someone’s wall….
Facebook is a giant, sticky spider web, slowly expanding across demographics, spreading to all corners of the earth, and bleeding into every crevice of our brains.
Yep. That is what I said, BLEED… The ultimate question: How does one efficiently and effectively navigate around the applications, the personality tests, the “news feeds”, pictures albums, and worst of all, the dreaded, forbidden and addictive “wall posts”.
Is there such a thing, as Facebook protocol? I can't remember if you can even poke people anymore? What is a "poke" anyway?
Facebook unearthed something wildly inherent in the homo sapiens- there is something fantastic about celebrity-izing ourselves… to the point at which, we leave messages for each other- with the intent on everyone else, seeing them. It’s credence to a measurable level, its pompous, favor trading, and down right delicious.
Sure, stay connected with friends – a message here or there, years can move by, and you remain close – throw out the Christmas cards, who needs 'em.
But a single question beckons to be answered: WHAT ABOUT THE PEOPLE WITH WHOM YOU DON”T WANT TO STILL BE FRIENDS?
I’m referring to exes. Earlier today, a friend mentioned that his former girlfriend (who didn’t take the breakup with any type of sanity) began spreading virulent rumors. He “unfriended” her, as by any standard, she did not deserve his friendship, even if it was defined solely by an Internet algorithm. However, she friended him again. He is polite and considerate, so under the premise of "friends" he accepted. Yes with hesitation, and utter annoyance. But more than the irritation of being "friends" again with her, he was baffled, isn’t there a facebook, ex-etiquette involved?
You want to rid of exes, entirely. You want to forget they existed, waltzed into your life and stormed out, but thanks to Uncle Zuckerman, we’re forever tied to the people who piss us off. Unless we continue to unfriend the unfortunate souls, there isn’t a whole lot we can do…. People can no longer wander off into the distance, their shadows eventually fading away, and your only chance of seeing them is random and happenstance, twenty years down the road, when you could care less. Nope, now you can google/skype/gmail/facebook/twitter the hell out of your ex-significant other. You can pinpoint (thanks to google maps) exactly what restaurant they’re eating at, how often, what kind of car they drive, and the kicker: with whom it is they’re sipping that cocktail.
WE DON’T WANT TO KNOW… but sometimes we can’t help it… It’s like ol’ Ben & Jerry… you want to throw out the fudge brownie flavor, but you haven’t even opened it yet. It is safe knowing, in case there was a famine – the brothers would be there to save you with their delectable dairy… You always know updates on your ex, are just a click away…. So when the past is so convenient, how can one comfortably move forward?
So my conclusion is this: Thanks to the Internet you can no longer properly and appropriately remove previous loves from your life, they’re forever tangled in your web of networks….
Solution: don’t forget that a “facebook friend” will always outlive a first date, no matter how bad....