5pm on Wednesday…
Strappy sandals, straw wedges, suede loafers and classic three-inch black heels that scream Nine West. It’s 5pm happy hour on a Wednesday and four girls reunite for 9 ounces of white wine, and finger food. A political PR nut, real estate agent, marketing director and moi. While you might imagine a pretend reenactment of New York’s most feminine fable, this is indeed much uglier, prettier and relatable, why? Because this right now, is this lovely thing we refer to as reality.
I’m a fan of the air kiss… gives off this chic expectation that all people are immediately fond of each other, plus it’s a test. How quickly can you mitigate a hand, enter and exit personal space, I’m at about 3.5 seconds. But with close friends, I’m a hugger- forget your shirt being wrinkle-free; I’m excited to see you!
We clink the glasses to, us! Black heels kissed a crush from two years ago last night while her boyfriend was home planning their vacation… And so we strategize how to break the heart of an amazing man, we secretly covet. Loafer’s beau is currently considering moving half a world away, she had a strong arm, but recently realized that she’d give a limb and a rib to make it work. And so we high-five her for overcoming her commitment phobia…Strappy sandals started seeing someone who she fell for madly, and he fell madly for her back, until several days ago when he started acting fishy… we all tell her to get out, but she doesn’t want to – and so we shake our heads, empathetically knowing next week all will be okay, and we’ll be listening to a glowing rendition of a romantic night before.
And while yes, delicious to discuss… we dig into our days… pulling out the gossip and horrendous co-worker stories… the graphic designer who engulfs Twinkies when he assumes nobody is looking, stapler stealers, or worse those who arrive back at their desks hung-over. Bosses who demand subordinates suffer simply because they themselves don’t have their own lives. Diets, yoga instructors, weekend jaunts to the mountains, and the occasional political insertion of “wow”… because about half of us read the newspaper. And then, as we sip the last of our vino, we air-kiss goodbye and half-stumble back to our cars (because of the height of our heels, not alcohol intake)… and as I turn the key in my ignition I glance in my review mirror, and ask myself, “There has to be more than this.”
“I’m not a politician, I’m an entrepreneur on loan to the city,” chuckled the most respected Denverite around.... He insists I’m a democrat, but I convince him I’m a libertarian, and no, I promise, I’m not in denial. We chat about our shared love for the sunny and cloudless skies, the transplants who love the natives and the natives who won’t forfeit the Rocky Mountain view for an ocean. This is a man who had zero plans to leave his brewery and lead a city to a national convention, out of a recession, earn an unparalleled approval rating, earning his votes in a very unique way, foreign almost… he approaches politics...in every way a politician wouldn’t dare.
Aiming for the firm grip, I say “Thanks for making time for me.”
“Well any young person willing to make time for the city, rather than herself deserves some time.” He said.
Trying to cover the guilty expression, I said thank you. Remembering the pitiful plant on my porch that I was unconsciously torturing to death… Forgetting for a few days outside, then over-watering, and then throwing back out in the sun. If I couldn’t keep a plant alive, how the hell could I rejuvenate the city to want to give again?
Kindness is free and the most stable of currencies… It takes a lot to eat up pride and reach across the aisle to the opposing political party, or to those that you’re not too sure of, and mostly the strangers who cross our path everyday. Anyway, moving along with this down market… Often we forget the most valuable aspects of life are of no personal cost to us… Trade doesn’t require money, while money assigns a value to that trade, expanding accessibility to all…the very bones and roots of humanity are based on free trade. And when we’re faced with uncertainty about the dollar, let’s use the purest of currencies, which include our skill-sets, contacts and encouraging discouraged friends with funny jokes… reaching outside a potentially dismal future to someone else… Even after an exhausting day, surely there is a helpful connection, a random job-lead, or even a “hello” left in you?
Sometimes a simple smile is all it takes to change the direction of someone’s day…
And that was enough.