God, Politics, Sports teams….
Those “American” things that either rip us apart, or bind us forever… but in reality, albeit Sunday morning church, Sunday afternoon football and what percentage of taxes come out of your paycheck, what gives?
Oh the internal struggle? Prayer, which plays in an integral part everyday for some. Does how we celebrate our GOD, recognize that omnipresent, omnipotent chunk of our decision making really even make a big different in the big scheme of things, or a difference at all? These are questions that ruminate, during the days compromised of phone calls and research, running errands and picking up food. When time is broken apart by being rear-ended or an unanticipated argument. Dissected by the unexpected departure of someone dear to our hearts, or the entry of new friend who haphazardly showed up, or a new baby. You can’t help but ask yourself. What are the prerequisites for a GOD to exist?
What has to happen in my life to believe that in all actuality it never really has belonged to me?
Do people change? Do they ever come to believing in something bigger than themselves? I asked a Christian why they’re so blatantly against atheists and his response was, “they believe in themselves, and that is just selfish.” But is it entirely selfish to believe that we control our own control fate, destiny, that is our individual responsibility to execute this life either with a robust appetite for color and travels, for deep and sentimental relationships, for emotions…. Without God can we fully experience sadness? I only wonder because if we’re truly a product of random molecules and our tear ducts manufacture those wet drops that are associated with emotion, and if emotion is simply a figment of our imagination, a visceral reaction to an emptiness, or some Freudian excuse?
Is there something worth being sad about if the afterlife is comprised of dirt and decomposition? And all that stuff referred to miracles are merely gibberish, coincidence at most, frivolity that is a waste of effort and ambition, and frankly, time?
There is something inherently liberating about living your life only believing yourself... that we're not all "one source of energy" we're "all brothers of Adam and Eve." That actually, what you see is what you get? What you understand is YOUR truth. You’re floating in this present moment, in the now, it is tangible and simple. There aren’t the Ten Commandments to untangle; there isn’t the spiritual journey to somehow aid us in the being unafraid of the “beyond”. To an atheist the end, is very simply game over. There is no judgment, no golden gates and with the possibility of heaven, also arrives the possibility you’ll spend eternity with Sisyphus …. Seems rather monotonous, miserable? And completely illogical.
And what is there to do with the obvious sinners… those who commit abhorrent, devastating and insane crimes, the schizophrenic sinners, who are 100% convinced that their kamikaze ways are in fact sacrificial, an appeasement to their higher being, then what? Then you’ve got the evangelicals, the crusades, and the holocaust. And then the countless periods in history, some so horrific they’re left out of social studies textbooks when religion screwed many of a minority.
There is nature, intricate and delicate flowers…. The weather, powerful hurricanes and tornadoes, you’ve got cancer survivors and innocent children who’ve been ruthlessly murdered. There are the ways of the pagan, the “spiritual seeker”… all the hybrids, the in-betweens who while legitimate still cannot answer the one-answer humans have questioned:
IF you strip GOD of the Koran, Bible, the Torah and every other religious text that is the acclaimed guidebook for the future of humanity beyond planet earth…. You can’t help but wonder what’s left?